
Showing posts from April, 2019

Social Media

Do I love instagram? I'm not sure. It's the only social media I use often. I have Facebook but never really post on it. I used to, in university I loved it, a night out wasn't a night out until your photos were up on Facebook but as soon as I left it became a place to post a few holiday snaps and then after a while not even that. I signed up to instagram years ago as a personal account and then set up an art focused account to share my portfolio and bits that I like working on etc. Recently I've taken part in some 'challenges', 30 day type things - draw this, or draw that in my style or tell us about yourself. The problem I found, quite honestly, is that I would put up something I really liked, I thought 'hey now Eli, this is a great picture!' but then would check back and see if anyone had 'liked' it. If it had 2 or 3 likes or non, I would compare it to a picture that got 20 and think more negatively about that artwork. Madness. Or I would s