
Showing posts from August, 2017

Food Pun

I made a picture for my sister's birthday. She's likes a good food themed pun. 'Beetroot to Yourself'.


3 puns I made last year. I love a good pun.  Benedict Cucumberbatch John Lemon Pear Grylls A day at the peach

Home - The Sketchbook

I have nearly finished 'Home' a Sketchbook Project that I started in January ready to send to the library in New York. I printed a little stamp for our recent wedding anniversary and thought to include it in the book. These are the colour tests and how it looks in the sketchbook. I especially like the cup of tea because if I'm home before him (which is rare) I always seem to be looking out with a mug of tea just as he pulls up. You can see more pictures over on my instagram or by looking at my online portfolio . Next week I'm finishing up a wedding invite and beginning a rather daunting sketch of York Minster. :)

Aaaand Relax

I missed posting on National Relaxation Day! I started drawing a picture about relaxing but then I had to make dinner (a roast) have a drink (red wine) and watch a film (How to Catch a Thief) and after all that it was too late. So I got up early this morning and made some tea, put on one of my favourite background films - Julia and Julia - and finished making a picture. I am normally so busy that relaxing is tricky. I run from the car to work to the supermarket to the gym to dinner, to my desk back to work but sometimes I have these weeks where I can fold all my happy relaxation things into a melting pot of loveliness and calm. These are the top 10 things I do to relax: 1) Sit with a cup of tea in a clean house. Clean is the word, it has to be clean and tidy and possibly sunny, or at least cosy and softly lit. And my tea of choice is posh fancy tea from a little shop on the Shambles in York. There is a space in my apartment, out the back on the fire escape, that gets the best s

Paper Street



I have started a project documenting vegan food through ink drawings that I then add colour to. I have been vegan since January 2016 after watching some documentaries and being vegetarian for about 4 years by that point. I went in with a lot of research. I had vegan recipe youtube channels on the go, recipe books, blogs, pinterest boards; I was ready! I found it surprisingly easy even though I was living in Abu Dhabi which has quite a meat heavy culture. I found that we ate lots of falafel, hummus, pastas, smoothies and curries. Since we moved back to the UK it has been super simple. All the supermarkets have vegan cheeses and sausages, the restaurants normally have one or two options (and they don't frown when you say 'vegan') which is great. I worried about not being able to have super tasty treats like cakes and puddings and also that main course food would be bland but I have found it to be the opposite. We often eat pancakes, especially on a Saturday morning with


I haven't posted for a while as it's been a hectic month at work but I've finally had some time to decompress and reflect and make some personal art. I love a sketchbook and have been working on an A5 and A4 sketchbook focusing on drawing the city of York and my connection to it. Here are some of the pages. I've been carving rubber stamps, using acrylic and playing with mixed media. It has been great to get back to the UK and use a range of materials that weren't available last year. I have also been updating my website and have just added these as a project. You can find my portfolio here